So, what is the big deal about the Whirlpool Galaxy and why is it sitting like giant stop sign in space from our firmament? What does God want us to see? Named after the man who discovered it, Messier means “Harvest Master” in French. Example 3: The Whirlpool GalaxyĪt 23.16 light-years from Earth, the Whirlpool Galaxy is one of our closest neighbors. While that is all crazy cool information, what’s real is this is only possible from our unique perspective on Earth. Like the North Star, if you find Jesus, you will never be lost again because according to Isaiah 14:13, 40:22, and Psalm89:11-12, the North is the location of God’s throne. Because Polaris is the 50th-brightest star in the heavens, God’s prophetic number for jubilee fulfilled, you and I have to be looking for Polaris to find it-just like Jesus said to seek Him and you will find Him.
In the tail of the “Little Bear” Ursa Minor, aka the Little Dipper, Polaris is actually a triple star, which speaks a word on the Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.