For other options, see the “Piece type in 3D Models” vignette.īricks_from_mosaic() converts a 2D mosaic object from an image into 3D LEGO models, respectively.
This format is much more flexible than bricks_from_table() and allows the programmatic development of 3D models. Color must be an official LEGO color name from build_colors(). Please see this repo: brickr toybox.īricks_from_coords() takes a data frame with x, y, & z integer values, and Color columns, where each combination of x, y, & z is a point in 3-dimensional space. bricks_from_excel() is a wrapper function to more easily build models designed using a Microsoft Excel template. The left-most column in the table is associated with the Level or z-axis of the model. For more advanced models, it’s recommended you use MS Excel or a.
For simple models, this table can be made manually using ame() or tibble::tribble(). The bricks_from_* series of functions creates 3D models of LEGO bricks from a variety of input formats.īricks_from_table() & bricks_from_excel() convert a matrix-shaped table of integers into LEGO bricks.