Then you can change trajectory, and hopefully, pop the enemy player. If all goes well, the enemy player will assume the missile is, in fact a rocket and simply try to dodge it. The homing missile looks exactly like rocket, so another strategy you can use after activating the superpower is making the missile go straight ahead, preferably making it's trajectory go past the enemy player.
If any powers such as Lighting, Turret, Shield, Drone, or another ball level come out of the pop, take then, and build a base around the remaining items.
Don't control the missile, but focus on the shot. As the unlucky copter runs away from the missile, shoot a 3x or 2x bullet at the copter, not directly but in front. Using the Homing Missile as a distraction normally works better than using as ammunition. It destroys anything within the radius including: It is a weakly guided rocket that can remove a shield or pop a copter. The Homing Missile is a super power that can be found in any chest.